Draw n Guess

Draw n Guess Study Set works like the 'Draw Something' game where a random student will be assigned a word to draw. The rest of the students who are the guessers will need to guess the drawing by selecting the answer in a multiple choice format.

This game can be played either in 'Challenge' mode where students can challenge each other to the game, or in a physical face-to-face classroom in 'Classroom' mode where you must launch this game from your Deck.Toys Classroom.

Use the 'Preview in 2 Students' mode to simulate this game. 

The student's drawing will appear on the Teacher's view in real-time and thus should be shown on the projector screen. As a teacher, you may also assist the student by drawing simultaneously.

Draw n Guess can be played in the following setting:

X Single Player     ✓  Challenge     ✓ Classroom