Preview Deck

When you create lessons in Deck.Toys, what the students see will be different from what the teacher's see. It is thus recommended to always Preview Deck to make sure the lesson flows as you intendedbefore the lesson is shared to your students.

The default Preview Deck option displayed will be 1 student, where the Teacher's View is on the left and one demo student's view on the right. In the Teacher's View, you can see the progress of your students in real-time by tracking the avatar (marked as DS here representing Demo Student).

You can click on the '2 Students' button at the top of the page to preview with 2 test students, with avatars marked as SM representing Student Middle and SR representing Student Right. You can also click on the 'People' icon to see the details including how many points each student has already achieved.

Read more about the differences between Teacher View and Student View here:

The Teacher's View has a red Teacher Launchpad where you can launch engagement tools and games on-the-go. You can also preview how students can challenge each other using the blue Student Gamepad.