Deck.Toys Classroom is the environment where all the real-time progress and data is tracked. This is also the place where Classroom study set games can be played. It is important to assign all your decks to the Deck.Toys Classroom and share the Classroom address to your students in order to track their progress and collect their responses.
3 Steps to assign your deck to a Deck.Toys Classroom
Step #1: Create a Deck.Toys Classroom
Step #2: Assign the deck to the Deck.Toys Classroom
Step #3: Share the Deck.Toys Classroom address/URL to your students
1.1 Create Your Classroom
Important Note: Students’ reports are stored in each Classroom and thus it is important to create a separate Classroom for every class you teach.
1.2 Assign Deck to Classroom
Find the deck that you wish to assign to your classroom from My Dashboard or directly from the Deck Gallery
If you would like to find out other ways to assign a deck to your Deck.Toys Classroom, read more here.
1.3 Get Students to Join Your Classroom
At the start of your lesson, share the Deck.Toys Classroom's address to your students.
You can also share this URL to any learning management system you may have, such as Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Canvas, Schoology and SLS.
If you are using Google Classroom, you may share your Deck.Toys classroom URL instantly with your students.
It is recommended to try connecting to your classroom address as a student with another device or using your browser's incognito mode.
Students may log into your classroom with their Google Account, Microsoft Account, or as a Guest Student. They can also create a student account. The only difference with a Guest Student log in versus other log-ins with passwords is that the student may not be able to come back to the deck and resume where he/she has left off.
Note: If you are logged in as a teacher, the Teacher's View will be loaded.
Note: Students' data are not stored if logged in as a Guest Student. Students may also sign up with their custom username and password if they do not have Google Accounts.
When connected, students can immediately explore your deck at their own pace in Free Mode. Switch to Teacher Sync to prevent students from exploring themselves and be locked to your screen. Read more about Teacher's View and Student's View here.
To check whether your students have successfully connected to your Deck.Toys Classroom, click on the top-right button in your Teacher's view to see the list of students that are already in your Classroom.

1.4 Configuring Your Classroom
Click on 'Configure Classroom'.
You will then be led to this menu where you can
- Change the Classroom name
- Change settings for student name changes, student signups, students account creations and allowing guest students
- Add a 'Share Teacher's View' access with a co-teacher
- Delete Classroom
1.5 Manage Students
Free Plan users can have up to 40 students per Classroom, whilst Pro Plan users have up to 60 students per Classroom. Once a student logs into the Classroom even as a Guest Student, it will count towards this allocation and will remain so regardless of time. In order to remove students from the Classroom, please use the 'Manage Students' button.
Use the Edit button to individually delete the student from your Classroom as well. If you wish to remove all students, it is easier to simply delete the Classroom and create a new Classroom.
Note that you do not need to add students manually into the Classroom as they can log in with the Google or Microsoft accounts, or even as a Guest Student.
However if you wish to make a custom username and password for each student, use the Import Roster function. Click Edit on the student's row to access the page where you can reset the student's password.
1.6 Number of Classrooms per Plan
Free Plan users have 2 Classrooms with up to 40 students per Classroom. You can assign up to 2 decks per Classroom.
Pro Plan users have 10 Classrooms with up to 60 students per Classroom. You can assign up to 10 decks per Classroom.