How Do I Configure Text-to-Speech and Audio Clips?
Have students with read-aloud accommodations? We got you covered with our Text-To-Speech functions in Deck.Toys! It is currently enabled for text in Study Set Activity and Locks. Immersive Reader capabilities are found in the Signpost and Slide Activities.
Supported Text-to-Speech languages are English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese and Malay / Indonesian. Default language is English.
Change the language via the drop-down list within the study set. Example below shows the term in Chinese and the definition in English:
Note: In Chinese, the 'hanyupinyin' will not be read. Only the Chinese characters will be read. Upload your own voice clip if you need this to be read.
This example shows both the term and definition language in French.
If you set the language to 'Others', then the text will not be read.
If you would like to your students to upload voice clips to you, you can do it with the Voice Slide App.
You can also upload your own voice clip onto the study sets and Slide Activities with Audio Clip Slide App! This feature is exclusive to our Pro plan users.