How Do I Share My Deck with Other Teachers?

You can share a deck to other teachers using 2 methods:

Method 1) 

In 'My Dashboard', click on the drop-down menu from the selected deck and select the 'Share with other teachers...' option. This will bring you to the Share with Link and also the Share to Public Deck Gallery screens.

Method 2) 

While you are building your deck, within the Deck Builder itself, click on the 'Assign/Share' Button, and click on 'Share with other teachers...'. This will only allow you to Share - With Link' and will be part of your Private Deck allocation, and not subject to Deck Gallery standards. If you require to publish your deck into the public Deck Gallery, kindly follow the previous method.

There are two different sharing modes that you can choose from to share your deck:

1) Share Deck: On - With Link

If you set your deck to be shared in ' On - With Link' mode, this means that only the person who has the shareable link will get to view or make a copy of your material. This means you are sharing the link of the deck from your private deck allocation (3 private decks for Free Plan users, 100 private decks for Pro Plan users), which you can send the URL to selected teachers only. These teachers who obtained the link URL can view and also make a copy of this deck if they are Deck.Toys users

2) Share Deck: On - Public

If your deck is set to be shared in ' On - Public' mode, your lesson material will appear in the Deck Gallery and can be viewed, used, and copied by other teachers. Before the deck can be shared with the public, a prompt will appear requesting you to complete the selection for each category. You will also need to submit a form for the Deck approval process. As this is a public deck, we expect a certain level of standard before approving and it will take time for approval. Please read in more details here:

Share Deck: Off

By default, your deck will be in the ' Off' mode. This means that there is no other person who can access your deck except you as it is saved in your Dashboard as a private deck. Your students can still access the deck if you assign this private deck to the Classroom.

If you would like others to view or make a copy of your deck, you will have to get the shareable link. 

At the moment, other teachers who have received the deck link cannot edit your deck directly. They need to make a copy of the deck and edit within their own dashboard environment.

If you wish to transfer the deck to a new teacher entirely, refer to this FAQ:

Note: In the deck preview, students' submissions are not saved. If you need to track and retrieve students' progress and data, you will need to assign the Deck to a classroom.