Configuring Activities

Drag and drop an activity from the right side of your Deck.Toys screen into the Map.

Once the Activity is placed onto the Map or the Deck, click on the button on the top right of each Activity to find the dropdown list that contains all the configurable items for the Activity.

You can change the icon and the color of the icon here. Click on Edit Activity to enter the Activity. 

You can also enable/disable the Path Entry Points, set activity entry locks, change the points awarded, and set treasure key rewards here.

The 'Cloud Mask' feature creates a cloud on the Activity and will only disappear once the student completes the activity.

'Hide from Students' means that the student cannot see this particular activity in the Student's View. This is useful if you want to assign the lesson but you have not yet completed a particular activity. Be careful not to link this activity in your Learning Path because the students cannot see it and cannot complete it but still has to go through the path, so they will be stuck at this particular activity.

'Disable upon completion' means that the student will not be able to come back to this activity after the student completes the activity. This is particularly useful if you do not want the student to keep returning to the game in order to keep gaining points.