Interactive Video
The Interactive Video feature is now available!
- Embed, search and trim YouTube videos in the Slide & Video Activity
- Prevent students from skipping forward the video
- Check students' understanding with Lock & MCQ Apps, even in 360o videos
- Engage with Quick Poll, Draw, Text, Placemarker, Photo, Upload and other interactive Slide Apps
- Supercharge with Treasure Keys & Mystery Crypt
- Self-paced student learning
- Integrate video with Slide Activities
- Use AI to make content generation effortless!
To start using this feature, add a Slide & Video Activity into the Map and enter this Activity. Click on the button 'Interactive Video' to embed a YouTube video.
Key in a YouTube link directly, or use the in-built search function to find relevant videos for your lessons, including 360 o videos. Narrow your search with Khan Academy, National Geographic, Numberphile, TED or CrashCourse filters. Click 'Select Video' at the bottom right of the screen.
Click on ' Trim / Edit Video' to allow you to edit length or skip over different areas of the video by dragging the marker.
Enable ' Prevent Video Skipping' if you do not want your students to skip forward while watching the video.
To delete a skip area, click on the X button below. If you had any slide apps within this area, the slide apps would be removed as well.
To add interactive Slide Apps, simply drag the marker to the time at which you want the Slide App to appear on the video, then drag the Slide App to the video image.
You can resize the Slide App as well to fit the video image background. Configure the Slide Apps as necessary.
If you are using a 360o video, move/rotate the video image to the position that you would like to place the Slide App.
Once you have applied the Slide Apps at the marker, click on ' Split Video' such that the students will automatically be brought to the next second of the video seamlessly at the next activity. This will ensure the students would complete the Slide Apps at the point where the video ended, then resume the same video in the next slide activity.
Add the Web Link Slide App at any point of the marker onto the video image to provide more information to the students who may need to reference to.
You can easily add in your own Slides or additional notes in between the video viewing by adding a new Slide with the + button on the top left of the page to increase student understanding, seamlessly integrating the Video and the Slide Activity in one location.
You can also use our AI feature to make content generation effortless, more info here:
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